More Support
We have provided a list of other support that is available. Sometimes it is worth taking further specific advice about a situation. This can save you time and potentially save you money.
More Health & Safety Support
Health & Safety Consultancy - support with any aspect of Health & Safety from audits, competent person services, document drafting, training and site visits.
Online Training Suite - our online courses allow you to carry out basic Health & Safety training in a cost effective way without employees having to leave their desk! For further details see our Online Training page.
Training - Group or bespoke training to cover all areas of Health & Safety. IOSH accredited. For more information visit our Training page.
Your Health & Safety Online - your own bespoke Health & Safety website that holds all your policy documents and risk assessments and can be accessed by all staff. The site us updated by us for you.
ACAS offer a free help line to employers and employees. The telephone number is: 08457 474747
There is a free Government helpline for SSP and Maternity queries on 08457 143 143
The Health & Safety Executive have a website that provides general information about health and safety www.hse.gov.uk