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Car retailer fined for exposing worker to the risk of developing occupational asthma
A car retailer operating across the South East of England has been fined after a car bodywork sprayer developed occupational asthma... -
Manufacturer fined after two killed by spray-booth explosion
A Norwich manufacturing firm has been fined after two employees working with flammable substances in a spray booth were killed by an explosion... -
Richard Judge steps down as HSE chief executive
Dr Richard Judge has stepped down as chief executive of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) on Friday, 17 August, having led the organisation since November 2014... -
Motor Vehicle repair company fined after work experience student crushed by vehicle
A motor vehicle repair company was fined after a 27 year old man gaining work experience at the garage, was crushed to death by a vehicle... -
Good News if you employ Apprentices under the age of 25...
Good News if you employ Apprentices under the age of 25... -
Worker suffered fatal crush injuries after being hit by lorry
A commercial vehicle company was ordered to pay £212,500 in fines and costs after one of its workers was killed when a lorry travelling at less than 5km/h crushed him... -
Employee crushed under van during inspection
A contract gardening company has been fined for safety failings that led to a worker sustaining serious crush injuries to his chest... -
Company admitted killing a six-year-old girl who was crushed to death by electric gates in Manchester
A company has admitted killing a six-year-old girl who was crushed to death by electric gates in Manchester... -
Firm sentenced after worker dies after inhaling paint stripper
An employer has been fined after a worker dies after inhaling fumes while cleaning a chemical stripping paint tank at a motor vehicle repair company... -
Defibs in schools
It was great to see The One Show publishing the issues of sudden arrest in children and are campaiging to get defibrillators into schools...