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Five Hurt at Three Counties Showground...
Five hurt at Three Counties Showground as marquee blows over... -
Pontefract Rugby Club
We are pleased to announce that we are the primary shirt sponsors for Pontefract Rugby Club... -
Employing Young Workers
Employing Young Workers With the start of the summer holidays upon us, you may be approached by a young person looking for a summer job... -
Limitation on Claiming Holiday
Limitation on claiming holiday New legislation on the limitation on claiming holiday... -
Your Most Valuable Asset
Your Most Valuable Asset Your people are your most valuable asset... -
Shared Parental Leave
Shared Parental Leave It is only a few weeks until parents-to-be with babies due to be born, or matched for adoption, on or after 5th April 2015 can start sharing up to 50 weeks of parental leave... -
Long Term Absence
Long Term Absence I am frequently asked to advice on long term absence cases... -
Obesity and Disability
Obesity and Disability Last year the European Court of Justice held that a Danish childminder was disabled where his obesity hindered his "full and effective participation" at work... -
Frustration and Reward
Frustration and reward! When I meet a prospective client the overwhelming initial comment I receive is one of frustration... -
Making Better Decisions
Making Better Decisions Every decision made in your business will be made by you or one of your employees... -
Fit for Work
Fit for Work The new government scheme to assist employees back to work is anticipated to be available across the UK from May 2015... -
Is Mediation 'Pink and Fluffy'?
Is Mediation 'pink and fluffy'? Because HR is about people, no situations are ever exactly the same... -
Smoking Policies - Do they cover e-cigarettes?
Smoking Policies - Do they cover e-cigarettes? With the increasing use of e-cigarettes your position on their use or restriction is worth contemplation... -
Good News if you Employ Young People....
Good News if you Employ Yound People... -
Requesting Criminal Records - Now a Crime...
Requesting Criminal Records - Now a Crime... -
Do you have a Chatterbox?
Do you have a Chatterbox? Have you ever had one of those employees who insists on chatting to everyone at every opportunity? A client had this issue with an employee - and whenever needed to leave her desk, whether to go to the printer or to go for a break, she would chat to everyone along the way... -
Should an employer postpone a disciplinary hearing to hear a grievane?
Should an employer postpone a disciplinary hearing to hear a grievance? In the recent case of Jinadu v Docklands Buses Limited & Ors, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) considered whether an employer was under an obligation to postpone a disciplinary hearing to consider an employee's grievance... -
Fit Notes
Fit Notes Although the fit note was introduced in 2010, I am often asked what is expected from an employer when a doctor issues their employee with a fit note... -
Who Decides What Is A Reasonable Adjustment?
Who decides what is a reasonable adjustment? The dilemma that many employers face when seeking to make reasonable adjustment for a member of staff who is disabled centres around whether it is the employers or employees opinion that matters when determining what is reasonable? The recent case of Makuchova v Guoman Hotel Management (UK) Ltd has brought an element of relief to employers on this issue... -
Use Of Mobile Phones When Driving
Use of mobile phones when driving While most organisations have rules on the use of mobile phones when driving, a number of recent cases have highlighted the important of their application in a fair, consistent and reasonable manner... -
Checking Driving Licences
Checking Driving Licences On the 8th June 2015 the paper counterpart of the DVLA driving licence was abolished... -
Should employers include voluntary overtime when calculating an employee's holiday pay?
Should employers include voluntary overtime when calculating an employee's pay? There has been an interesting case regarding voluntary overtime... -
Health & Safety Executive Release Latest Workplace Fatality Rates
The Health & Safety Executive has today released the 2014/15 workplace fatality figures...