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Health and Safety
Manufacturer fined after two killed by spray-booth explosion
A Norwich manufacturing firm has been fined after two employees working with flammable substances in a spray booth were killed by an explosion... -
Richard Judge steps down as HSE chief executive
Dr Richard Judge has stepped down as chief executive of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) on Friday, 17 August, having led the organisation since November 2014... -
Motor Vehicle repair company fined after work experience student crushed by vehicle
A motor vehicle repair company was fined after a 27 year old man gaining work experience at the garage, was crushed to death by a vehicle... -
Worker suffered fatal crush injuries after being hit by lorry
A commercial vehicle company was ordered to pay £212,500 in fines and costs after one of its workers was killed when a lorry travelling at less than 5km/h crushed him... -
Employee crushed under van during inspection
A contract gardening company has been fined for safety failings that led to a worker sustaining serious crush injuries to his chest... -
Company admitted killing a six-year-old girl who was crushed to death by electric gates in Manchester
A company has admitted killing a six-year-old girl who was crushed to death by electric gates in Manchester... -
Firm sentenced after worker dies after inhaling paint stripper
An employer has been fined after a worker dies after inhaling fumes while cleaning a chemical stripping paint tank at a motor vehicle repair company... -
Defibs in schools
It was great to see The One Show publishing the issues of sudden arrest in children and are campaiging to get defibrillators into schools... -
Assessment of arm locking systems of two-post vehicle lifts
Following a number of vehicles falling from two-post vehicle lifts HSE is concerned that some lifts for sale in the UK may not be fit for purpose due to inferior build, quality and/or design... -
Employee severely injures leg at HGV spray painting company
A HGV spray painting company has been fined for safety failings that led to a worker sustaining a serious fracture to his left leg... -
HSE Safety Alert!
'Norfolk Range' large wheeled dry powder fire extinguishers manufactured before 2009 by UK Fire Intrnational Ltd are failing to operate!! Only dry powder units manufactured between 1970 and 2009 are affected... -
Roofing Contractor Fined After Employee Feel Through A Fragile Roof
A Norwich based roofing contractor has been fined after his employee fell seven metres through a roof on which he was working... -
Business Partners Fined after explosion
Partners of Mason Engineering were fined £4,000 each and were made to pay £1,171... -
Five Hurt at Three Counties Showground...
Five hurt at Three Counties Showground as marquee blows over... -
Pontefract Rugby Club
We are pleased to announce that we are the primary shirt sponsors for Pontefract Rugby Club... -
Chessington fined £150k after girl injured in fall
Chessington World of Adventures has been fined £150,000 for safety breaches after a four-year-old girl suffered head injuries in a 14ft (4... -
Draft guidance published by the H.S.E. on the new CDM Regulations
The Health & Safety Executive has published draft guidance on the upcoming Construction (Design & Management) Regulations which are due to come in to force on the 6th April 2015... -
New Asbestos Awareness App Launched By the Health & Safety Executive
The Health & Safety Executive have launched a new free App with the specific intention of raising people's awareness in relation to the risks associated with Asbestos... -
Pub That Banned Poppies For Health & Safety Reasons, Criticised By The Chair Of The H.S.E.
The Chair Person of the HSE Judith Hackitt has publically criticised the decision making process of a pub chain that banned poppies and called for the "blanket approach taken" towards Health & Safety to stop... -
An industry-wide campaign to cut the number of deaths from occupational cancer has been launched
Today (3rd November 2014) a new Campaign led by the Institution of Occupational Safety & Health has been launched to "Beat Workplace Cancer... -
New Explosive Regulations Launched
The Explosive Regulations 2014 were launched on the 1st of October 2014 and see a consolidation of a number of former Regulations... -
New Guidance for Using Acetylene
The Health & Safety Executive has produced updated guidance regarding the use of acetylene in the workplace... -
The Fee For Intervention Scheme - Here to Stay?
A recent independent report has concluded that the Health & Safety Executives Fee for Intervention Programme has been implemented in a consistent & professional manner and should remain in place... -
Health & Safety Minister Calls For A Halt To Ridiculous Health & Safety Rules.
Mark Harper (Health & Safety Minister) has called for companies to bring to an end the creation and enforcement of ridiculous Health & Safety rules in the workplace... -
New ISO Standard to be Created for Health & Safety
A new accredited standard for Health & Safety is being created and is intended to be launched in October 2016... -
Tenants Lived with Gas Danger for Four Years
A Landlord has been prosecuted for putting the lives and health of his tenants in danger, by failing to comply with gas safety duties... -
CMD Changes on the Horizon
Proposed changes to the Construction Design Management Regulations are going to become a reality in April 2015... -
Storage and Dispensing of Fuel
The law regarding the storage and dispensing of fuel is about to change... -
Asbestos in Schools
The Health & Safety Executive have been conducting a programme of school inspections in relation to the management of Asbestos... -
Changes to the Health & Safety Law Poster
From April 2014 Employers will need to ensure that they either display the 2009 version of the Health & Safety Law poster or issue their employees the free to download approved leaflet... -
Asbestos – The Hidden Killer
Current Government estimates suggest that there are currently over 5000 people in the UK who are dying from asbestos related disease... -
So what is this CoSHH all about?
If you ask anyone to name a Health & Safety Regulation, the one which most people will think of is CoSHH... -
Poorly Maintained Gas Systems
As we start to descend further into winter, we find ourselves hard pushed not to listen to the radio and hear a heated (if you will excuse the pun) debate around the cost of energy... -
The Fee for Intervention Programme
Extra cost for thoses who do not comply... -
Young Persons Guidance Update
Under Health & Safety Law, anyone who is under the age of 18 is classed as a Young Person in the workplace... -
Employers have a responsibility to ensure (so far as is reasonably practicable) that they look after the safety & wellbeing of those that can be affected by their undertaking... -
Changes to First Aid at Work Regulations
On the 1st of October the First Aid at Work Regulations changed... -
Fire Brigade Union Industrial Action - 25th September
On the 25th September the Fire Brigade Union will undertake industrial action between 12:00 and 16:00 in England & Wales... -
Changes to RIDDOR
Subject to Parliamentary approval, the Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations (RIDDOR) are about to take effect... -
£40,000.00 for failure to assess legionaires disease
A private care home has been ordered to pay £40,000 in fines and costs after it failed to manage the risk of elderly residents... -
We can often find ourselves doing things in the name of Health & Safety and not understand why we are doing it! To help focus Companies minds the H... -
Hot Hot Hot!
Currently there is no legal maximum indoor working temperature... -
Reporting Incidents
Changes to Reporting Incidents The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has changed its contact arrangements to better direct those wishing to report an incident, notify workplace concerns or seek interpretation of guidance... -
New Health & Safety Services
Practical HR are delighted to announce the launch of their new Health and Safety Services (and products)...