CMD Changes on the Horizon
Proposed changes to the Construction Design Management Regulations are going to become a reality in April 2015. Below A.C.T.'s Phil Atkinson gives an account of possible changes that may have implications for our clients:
"As some clients may be already aware the Construction Design & Management Regulations are currently being revised by the HSE. The consultation period on the proposed amendments has closed and we now know that the revised regulations are scheduled for introduction in April 2015. This could change as we await final clarification of the implementation schedule from the HSE.
It is likely that these regulations will for the first time be applied to the construction of temporary structures and as such will have implications for event organisers. At this stage we are not sure to what extent operations will be affected, and are currently assessing the full implications. Until the final text of the regulations becomes available however we cannot be sure. We will issue further guidance to our clients in the near future."