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Car retailer fined for exposing worker to the risk of developing occupational asthma
A car retailer operating across the South East of England has been fined after a car bodywork sprayer developed occupational asthma... -
Good News if you employ Apprentices under the age of 25...
Good News if you employ Apprentices under the age of 25... -
Worker suffered fatal crush injuries after being hit by lorry
A commercial vehicle company was ordered to pay £212,500 in fines and costs after one of its workers was killed when a lorry travelling at less than 5km/h crushed him... -
Employee crushed under van during inspection
A contract gardening company has been fined for safety failings that led to a worker sustaining serious crush injuries to his chest... -
Company admitted killing a six-year-old girl who was crushed to death by electric gates in Manchester
A company has admitted killing a six-year-old girl who was crushed to death by electric gates in Manchester... -
Firm sentenced after worker dies after inhaling paint stripper
An employer has been fined after a worker dies after inhaling fumes while cleaning a chemical stripping paint tank at a motor vehicle repair company... -
Defibs in schools
It was great to see The One Show publishing the issues of sudden arrest in children and are campaiging to get defibrillators into schools... -
Assessment of arm locking systems of two-post vehicle lifts
Following a number of vehicles falling from two-post vehicle lifts HSE is concerned that some lifts for sale in the UK may not be fit for purpose due to inferior build, quality and/or design... -
Employee severely injures leg at HGV spray painting company
A HGV spray painting company has been fined for safety failings that led to a worker sustaining a serious fracture to his left leg... -
HSE Safety Alert!
'Norfolk Range' large wheeled dry powder fire extinguishers manufactured before 2009 by UK Fire Intrnational Ltd are failing to operate!! Only dry powder units manufactured between 1970 and 2009 are affected... -
Roofing Contractor Fined After Employee Feel Through A Fragile Roof
A Norwich based roofing contractor has been fined after his employee fell seven metres through a roof on which he was working... -
Business Partners Fined after explosion
Partners of Mason Engineering were fined £4,000 each and were made to pay £1,171... -
Employing Young Workers
Employing Young Workers With the start of the summer holidays upon us, you may be approached by a young person looking for a summer job... -
Limitation on Claiming Holiday
Limitation on claiming holiday New legislation on the limitation on claiming holiday... -
Your Most Valuable Asset
Your Most Valuable Asset Your people are your most valuable asset... -
Shared Parental Leave
Shared Parental Leave It is only a few weeks until parents-to-be with babies due to be born, or matched for adoption, on or after 5th April 2015 can start sharing up to 50 weeks of parental leave... -
Long Term Absence
Long Term Absence I am frequently asked to advice on long term absence cases... -
Obesity and Disability
Obesity and Disability Last year the European Court of Justice held that a Danish childminder was disabled where his obesity hindered his "full and effective participation" at work... -
Frustration and Reward
Frustration and reward! When I meet a prospective client the overwhelming initial comment I receive is one of frustration... -
Making Better Decisions
Making Better Decisions Every decision made in your business will be made by you or one of your employees... -
Fit for Work
Fit for Work The new government scheme to assist employees back to work is anticipated to be available across the UK from May 2015... -
Is Mediation 'Pink and Fluffy'?
Is Mediation 'pink and fluffy'? Because HR is about people, no situations are ever exactly the same... -
Smoking Policies - Do they cover e-cigarettes?
Smoking Policies - Do they cover e-cigarettes? With the increasing use of e-cigarettes your position on their use or restriction is worth contemplation... -
Good News if you Employ Young People....
Good News if you Employ Yound People... -
Requesting Criminal Records - Now a Crime...
Requesting Criminal Records - Now a Crime... -
Do you have a Chatterbox?
Do you have a Chatterbox? Have you ever had one of those employees who insists on chatting to everyone at every opportunity? A client had this issue with an employee - and whenever needed to leave her desk, whether to go to the printer or to go for a break, she would chat to everyone along the way... -
Should an employer postpone a disciplinary hearing to hear a grievane?
Should an employer postpone a disciplinary hearing to hear a grievance? In the recent case of Jinadu v Docklands Buses Limited & Ors, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) considered whether an employer was under an obligation to postpone a disciplinary hearing to consider an employee's grievance... -
Fit Notes
Fit Notes Although the fit note was introduced in 2010, I am often asked what is expected from an employer when a doctor issues their employee with a fit note... -
Who Decides What Is A Reasonable Adjustment?
Who decides what is a reasonable adjustment? The dilemma that many employers face when seeking to make reasonable adjustment for a member of staff who is disabled centres around whether it is the employers or employees opinion that matters when determining what is reasonable? The recent case of Makuchova v Guoman Hotel Management (UK) Ltd has brought an element of relief to employers on this issue... -
Use Of Mobile Phones When Driving
Use of mobile phones when driving While most organisations have rules on the use of mobile phones when driving, a number of recent cases have highlighted the important of their application in a fair, consistent and reasonable manner... -
Checking Driving Licences
Checking Driving Licences On the 8th June 2015 the paper counterpart of the DVLA driving licence was abolished... -
Should employers include voluntary overtime when calculating an employee's holiday pay?
Should employers include voluntary overtime when calculating an employee's pay? There has been an interesting case regarding voluntary overtime... -
Health & Safety Executive Release Latest Workplace Fatality Rates
The Health & Safety Executive has today released the 2014/15 workplace fatality figures... -
Charity Refuses Baby Bath on Health & Safety Grounds - Another Myth 'Slips' Throught The Net...
The Health & Safety Executive have come across yet another case of Health & Safety madness, which is based upon pure myth... -
Kids? - They are all just lazy and cause too much red tape - don't they?
Today the HSE has profoundly pledged it's support to the #iwill campaign... -
Looking After 700,000 People - On Your Bike!!
Over the weekend A... -
New website
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua... -
Lorem ipsum
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae...