Fit for Work
The new government scheme to assist employees back to work is anticipated to be available across the UK from May 2015.
Fit for Work is free and will help employers manage sickness absence in the workplace by providing occupational health assessments and general health and work advice regarding employees who reach, or whose GP expects them to reach, four weeks of sickness absence. Its aim will be to help employees stay in work or return back to work as soon as is appropriate.
Fit for Work will complement, and not replace, existing occupational health services provided by employers. Statistics suggest that only 1 in 10 small employers provide occupational health services to employees, so this new scheme will fill the gap.
Surprisingly though, it is not mandatory for employers to refer employees to Fit for Work, nor to implement ‘Return to Work' plans provided by them.
Employees will normally be referred by their GP, but employers can also make referrals.
Employers will be able to accept the Return to Work plan as evidence of sickness absence in the same way as a fit note issued by a GP and will not need to ask the employee for a fit note as well.
This should make managing absence easier for SME's as they will have access to specialist services without the costs. However, the proof will be in how effective and 'commercially' focused the services provided actually are...
Finally, did you know that on 1st January 2015, the government introduced a tax exception of up to £500 (per year, per employee) where employers fund the costs of medical treatments recommended by a healthcare professional as part of either Fit for Work or any other employer arranged occupational health service.