Your Most Valuable Asset
Your people are your most valuable asset. But they can also be one of your biggest liabilities and are probably one of your greatest costs.
Your people are a resource, as you cannot run and build a business without people. They are your human resources.
Therefore your human resources need to be managed effectively to ensure you get a return on your investment and you maximise the effectiveness of these resources.
This may sound 'cold' but commercially, every business, and especially SME's need to be sure that all their employees are contributing and that they are adding value - otherwise why are they there?
But do NOT confuse or associate this idea of 'human resources' with poor employment practices. The way to get the most out of your human resources is to ensure you have positive and effective employment practices.
This starts with a good foundation (contracts, policies, rules etc). These 'set the scene' and start the communication process so that people know what is expected of them and what their obligation are to the Company.
A business owner will always be asking how to get the most from their business - one way is to get the most from your human resources....