Online Training
If you would like a full demonstration of any (or all) of the courses available, please telephone A.C.T and we can arrange for you to have temporary access to the full suite of courses.
Online training is cost effective and an easy way to ensure that your staff receive training in some of the basic areas of Health and Safety - with minimum disruption to the business.
Each of the courses below are charged at £20.00 + VAT each, for orders of more than 35 courses, please contact us.
On completion of each course a certificate is sent to the individual.
Online Training Courses available:
Abrasive Wheels
This abrasive wheels safety training programme provides the background safety knowledge required for people who work with abrasive wheels. It also emplains how to check, maintain and store abrasive wheels. Please click here if you would like buy now. To view a demo of the Abrasive Wheels training, click here.
Asbestos awareness.
Anyone who has even the slightest chance of being exposed to asbestos fibres at work must have this health and safety training; they must know where asbestos and asbestos materials are likely to be found in buildings and know how to avoid the risk of exposure. To view a demo of the Asbestos Awareness training click here. Please click here if you would like to buy now.
This course is aimed at anyone who works with hazardous substances e.g. Dusty or fume-laiden air; metal working fluids; wet working and even cement. All employees need to know the control measures and how to eliminate or reduce exposure to an acceptable level. To view a demo video for CoSHH training, please click here. Please click here if you would like to buy now.
Data protection.
This Data Protection training course has been designed to be used by ANYONE who USES or PROCESSES personal data or has RESPONSIBILITY for data protection within an organisation. It has been designed to give clear understanding of the Data Protection Act and help to comply with it's main principles. Please click here to view a demo of the Data Protection training. Please click here to buy now.
Driver Awareness (IOSH Approved)
This training programme is for anyone who drives as part of their job. It looks at the legal requirements and responsibilities involved in being a safe driver. It also covers what to do if you breakdown or have an accident. Please click here to view a demo of the Driver Awareness training course. Please click here to buy now.
DSE (Display Screen Equipment)
Every employee who uses a PC should be provided with training on how to set up their computer, chair and desk. To view a demo video for Display Screen Equipment click here. Please click here if you wish to buy now.
DSE (Display Screen Equipment) Refresher Training
This short course covers Display Screen Equipment training. Perfect for refresher or interim training - a remider of the most important aspects of setting up your workstations to suit you and only taking around 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Please click here to view a demo of the Display Screen Equipment training. Please click here to buy now.
Electrical safety in the workplace
This training programme is for everyone, because everyone uses electricty and electrical appliances, wherever they work! It's all about safety when working around electricity. To view a demo of the Electrical Safety training course, please click here. Please click here to buy now.
Environmental awareness.
This training course is for EVERYONE. It looks at the problems being faced by our environment. It looks at OUR responsibilties and what can be done in the workplace to help reduce our impact on the enviroment. Click here to view a demo of the Environmental Awareness training course. Please click here to buy now.
Equality and diversity in the workplace.
Equality and Diversity in the Workplace training is for everybody. Designed to reflect the requirements of the Equality Act, it's all about treating people fairly. If you wish to view a demo for Equality Diversity in the Workplace, please click here. Please click here to buy now.
Fire awareness
Every member of staff needs Fire Awareness Training. You can use this progeamme to ensure that you comply with current legislation, keep your workplace safe, learn evacuation procedures and take part in fire extinguisher training and so strengthening your overall fire health and safety training regime. To view a demo video for the Fire Awareness training, please click here. Please click here if you would like to buy now.
Fire awareness refresher.
This short course covering Fire Awareness in the Workplace is perfect for refresher or interim training, a reminder of the most important aspects of fire awareness training and only taking around 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Please click here to buy now.
Fire Warden.
A complete fire warden trainng course to equip employees with all the knowledge they need to become fully trained fire marshals. To view a demo video for the Fire Warden training programme, please click here. Please click here if you wish to buy now.
First aid appointed person.
For many smaller low risk compaies, the legal minimum for first aid provision is to have someone in their company who simply looks after first aid. This is the First Aid Appointed Person. This e-learning programme explains exactly what the role of First Aid Appointed Person requires them to do. To view a demo of the First Aid Appointed Person training, please click here. Please click here to buy now.
First aid requirements and RIDDOR.
This programme is designed to be used by managers to help to decide what first aid personnel they require. It also explains what has to be reported to RIDDOR, who should do this and how. To view a demo video for First Aid Requirements and RIDDOR, please click here. Please click here if you would like to buy now.
Food allergen.
This covers 14 major food allergens - what they are, what information is required on products which contain these allergens and how the information should be presented. It also looks at what can be done to protect foods from cross-contamination by allergens. Please click here to view a demo of the Allergens training course. Please click here to buy now.
Food hygiene and safety level 1.
It's very important that anyone who works where food is made, prepared or sold has a good understanding of food hygiene, even if they do not handle food. This excellent Food Hygiene and Safety Awareness programme is a basic training course for ANYONE who works in the food industry. To view a demo video for Food Hygiene Level 1, please click here. Please click here if you would like to buy now.
Food hygiene and safety level 2.
It covers all you need to know about food hazards and food poisoning, with clear explanations of the ways food can become contaminated; personal hygiene; cleanliness in the food preparaton area; safe storage; cooking; and chilling. It also looks at Food Safety Management Systems (including HACCP), receord keeping and legal requirements for food premises. Please click here if you would like to buy now.
Hand-arm vibration
This training course has been designed for employers to assess and identify ways to reduce or eliminate risks from exposure of Hand-Arm Vibration (HAV). To view a demo for Hand-Arm Vibration, please click here. Please click here if you would like to buy now.
Health and safety essentials
This programme covers the key areas of health and safety. It's time-efficient and cost-effective, delivering essential safety training, meeting health and safety legislation. To view a demo video for Health and Safety Essentials, please click here. Please click here if you would like to buy now.
Health and safety for managers.
An easy to follow, easy to understand guide for employers and managers who have a responsibility for health and safety. Leads through necessary steps and informs about different laws and legislation. Please click here to buy now.
Infection prevention and control.
Infection prevention and control health and safety training will help you stop infection spreading in the workplace. It's really important for general health and safety that everyone knows what to do to stay safe and keep themselves and those around them healthy. Please click here to buy now.
If you are an employer, or someone in control of premises, including landlords, you must understand the health risks associated with Legionella. The following training is designed to show you how to reduce and manage the risks of exposure to Legionella. Please click here to buy now.
Lone working in the workplace
An essential e-learning training course that helps Lone Workers within the workplace to increase their safety every day. By planning ahead, recognising aggression and how to use diffusion tactics. To view a demo vidoe for Lone Working IN the Workplace, please click here. Please click here if you would like to buy now.
Lone working OUT of the workplace
A fantastic health and safety course that helps Lone Workers increase their safety everyday. Planning, recognising aggression, including diffusion tactics and Buddy Systems. Please click here if you would like to buy now.
Manual Handling
Every employee should receive training on manual handling. This course is designed to lower risk environments and covers safe manula handling including lifting techniques, LITE and why safe manual handling is so important to everyday health. To view a demo video for Manual Handling click here.Please click here if you wish to buy now.
Manual handling (Including TYRES)
This online Manual Handling training teaches you all you need to know about moving and handling safety and includes a specialised section with specific tecniques for moving and lifting TYRES. It covers LITE (Load, Individual, Task. Enviroment) and looks at why Manual Handling training is important to your everyday health. Please click here to buy now.
Manual handling refresher.
This short course covers Manual Handling in the Workplace. Perfect for refresher or interim training, a reminder of the most important aspects of manual handling training and only taking aroud 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Please click here to buy now.
Moving and handling people.
This online Moving and Handling People training explains the process of moving someone safely and gives step-by-step guidance, showing the most common lifts and moves. To view a demo video for Moving and Handling People, please click here. Please click here if you would like to buy now.
Noise awareness
All employers are required to prevent or reduce risks to health and safety from exposure to noise at work. To view a demo vidoe for Noise Awareness, please click here. Please click here if you would like to buy now.
Risk assessment
The Risk Assessment course explains in plain english why risk assessments are so important, when risk assessments should be done and how to do a risk assessment. There is also a fantastic tool to help you create your own risk assessments. It's simple to use and leads you through the process, step by step. To view a demo video for Risk Assessment, please click here. Please click here if you would like to buy now.
Safeguarding children.
This programme is all about pretecting children and keeping them safe from harm. This training has been designed for anyone who comes into contact with children, either through their work or through volunteering. Please click here to buy now.
Safeguarding vulnerable adults.
This has been written for anyone who works with, helps, or supports adults at risk. It covers the signs of abuse and explains what to do. It's all about sensitive handling and timely intervention. Please click here to buy now.
Slips, trips and falls
This prevention programme is for every employee and is designed to help reduce the risk of slips, trips and falls and related workplace accidents (that account for over half of all accidents at work). To view a demo video for Slips, Trips and Falls, please click here. Please click here if you would like to buy now.
Stress Awareness in the workplace.
This course has been written to take positive steps to prevent stress. It looks at how to stay in control when the pressure is mounting and highlights the tell-tale signs to help you recognise if there is a problem before it becomes serious; it also provides strategies to put in place to prevent pressure getting out of control. To view a demo video for Stress Awareness in the Workplace, please click here. Please click here if you would like to buy now.
Working at height
The Work at Height Regulations (WaHR) applies to all who work at height. There is a simply hierarchy for managing and selecting equipment for work at height, which this training course will highlight. To view a demo video for Working at Height, please click here. Please click here if you would like to buy now.