Video Manual Handling
Watch a short demonstration video of the course and review the course content below:
Course Content
1. You and Your Back
This section of the Manual Handling programme teaches a basic understanding of how our backs, particularly our spines, work and how poor Manual Handling technique can cause and contribute to illness and injury. We talk to people who have hurt their backs and to a back expert who explains why good technique is so important.
2. Preparation
Whether you are undertaking Manual Handling at work or at home, assessing the task beforehand is vital. This section of the Manual Handling programme shows you exactly what preparation you need to do; explaining what you need to think about each time you need to lift or carry something and why planning is so important.
3. Manual Handling
This section of the Manual Handling programme gives you step-by-step guidance, showing exactly how to complete safe lifts from the floor and from waist height and what to be aware of when lifting from head height, when pushing or pulling and during a team lift.
4. Conclusion
Here we bring together the previous sections of the Manual Handling training and look at how good Manual Handling relates to you, not only at work, but wherever you are. After all it doesn't matter where you are, if you have to lift something you should always do it safely.
5. Taking the Test
After completing every section of the Manual Handling training there is a 20 question multiple-choice test. A certificate can be printed out for each person who takes the test to show they have completed their Manual Handling training.