Video Risk Assessment
Course Content:
1. Why Assess Risks?
In the first section we look at why you should do risk assessments, including the legal, moral and financial reasons. It emphasises that, without a structured process, it's easy to miss risks if you have lots of different responsibilities. And risks can also be missed through over-familiarity with the workplace.
2. When Assess Risks?
Here, we define what risks and hazards are and look at how risk can depend on many things.
Risk Assessments may NOT always be necessary, so we explain how you decide whether one IS needed and when you need to do risk assessments again.
3. The 5 Steps to Risk Assessment
This section explains exactly how to do a risk assessment using a simple 5 step process.
It takes you through each column of a standard risk assessment form explaining what should go into that column and how to fill it in.
It gives examples and explains how to organise a plan of action to deal with hazards you find.
4. Risk Assessment Tool
This is a simple-to-use interactive tool which can be used to create your own Risk Assessments. It uses short summary reminders from section 3 to help you fill out each column of the risk assessment form.
Your risk assessments are saved and can be accessed either from within this programme or directly through the LMS.
5. Test
When training is complete there is a 20-question multiple choice test.
A certificate can be printed out to show Risk Assessment in the Workplace training has been completed.