Video Stress Awareness
Watch a short demonstration video of the course and review the course content below:
1. Are you Stressed?
Employers play an essential role in ensuring the health and safety at work of all their employees, which includes helping to prevent stress. But employees also have a responsibility to keep themselves safe and well. This section is about keeping an open mind to stress and the importance of recognising the signs in ourselves and managing it. Our quick questionnaire will help you assess your stress levels!
2. Fight or Flight?
This section looks at stress as the natural response to a threat, explaining why it has been essential to our survival. It explains why we become stressed, why some pressure can be useful in the short term and why it can become a problem in the longer term. Understanding the reasons for getting stressed can help to control and manage rising pressure.
3. State of Stress
Here we look at the physical effects of stress on each part of the body. We look at the different levels of pressure and what may happen if you reach bursting point!
4. Stress Factors
In this section we look at the signs, symptoms and causes of stress. The emphasis is on prevention and we look for clues that there may be a problem in physical or emotional changes or changes in behaviour. We highlight the six major areas which can cause work-related stress - Demands, Change, Relationships, Support, Role and Control and suggest practical solutions to the stressful problems that are raised in each of these areas.
5. Stress Strategies
Section 5 suggests a wealth of strategies aimed at dealing with rising pressures before they turn to stress. Some strategies are long term, changes that will help you to build up an ability to cope with pressure; others are short term, things you can try straightaway.
This section is interactive - you can create your own personalised list from the suggestions given. You can choose as many or as few suggestions as you wish and order them to suit you. There is no right or wrong order.
6. Taking the test
After completing every section there is a 20 question multiple-choice test. A certificate can be printed out for each person who takes the test to show they have completed their stress awareness training.